Jaffer, Ahmed Ebrahim Haroon (1909 - )

Pakistani businessman, legislator

s of Sir Ibrahim Haroon Jaffer; b 9 Aug 1909; ed Anglo-Urdu High School & Deccan Coll, Poona; m Maryam d of late Sait Haji Ebrahim Ismail of Belgaum and Bangalore; 2 D, 2 D.

Mem Indian Legis Assem, 1934 (Bombay Cent Div MR); and ML mem 1946 (Bombay Southern Div MU); Dy Whip Mulsim League Party, 1946.

In Pak: Mem Pak Cons assembly, 1948 (rep Sind refugees); Chmn of Board, (i)Sir E. H. Jaffer & Sons Ltd. (ii)Jaffer Brothers Ltd., (iii)International Travels, Ltd., (iv)Ahmed Jaffer & Co Ltd; and (v)Pak Garage Ltd; Life mem International Olympic cttee, 1949; leader Pak Contingent to World Olympiad, London, 1948 and Helsinki, 1952; Dir Karachi Electric Supply Corpn; Dir. Pak-Italian Chamber of Commerce and Pak-Germany Cultural Assem; & Czechoslovakia, 1949; Delegate to Inter-Party Union Conf Dublin, 1950; Berne 1952; Vienna, 1954; leader Pak Party Delegation to World Govt Party Conf, London, 1954; Pres Pak Chamber of Film Industry.

Sources: AWW, 1958; IPY, 1951; International Year Book and Statesman's Who's Who 1957; Foundations of Pakistan. All India Muslim League Documents, vol. II; RCPL, 1945-46. (Muslims in India: A biographical dictionary, ed. N K Jain. Delhi, Manohar, 1979. Vol. I. p. 223)