Welcome to the virtual home of Cutchi Memons (a.k.a. Cutchi speaking, Sunni Muslims) hailing from the (former princely state) Kutch (including Bhuj, Anjar, Lakhpath, etc.) in Gujarat, a province of India. Memons are now spread all over and the attached Memon directory is just a sample of this global presence.The purpose of this page is to provide a common platform for Cutchi Memons all over the world. We can share our thoughts and views by taking some time to get to know each other. This will help us to pass our language, customs, beliefs, and culture to posterity. This powerful platform is intended to help bring the community together.
We will try our best to be neutral, i.e., to keep this platform free of politics, propaganda and personal views. Your suggestions and comments will help us to make the best possible use of this medium.
WebmasterVisit our new sites: Cutchi Memons of India
A History of the Community as it Evolves
You will find here history of All India Cutchi Memon Federation
and the history of Jamats in Andhra Pradesh | Gujarat | Karnataka
Kerala | Maharashtra | Orissa | Tamil Nadu and West Bengal
See also: memonshadi.ca Memon Shadi (Matrimonial) Website
come.to/memon has moved to memon.freeservers.com
View Guestbook 2011- 2006-2009, 2004 - 2005, and 1999 - 2003
Site updated on 12/9/2011